Get Involved

Volunteers are important in helping people and municipalities pull through after an emergency. Local, state, and federal government agencies simply do not have all the resources needed to help restore families to their pre-disaster condition. Coordination between volunteer groups is key to making sure that all needs are met, and services are not repeated.
There are many ways to get involved to help your area be ready for an emergency. With proper training and education, volunteers can expand the resources available to state and local areas. Many groups offer free education, outreach, and training. Some of these agencies are listed here. See which one is a good fit for you and get involved today!
Community Emergency Response Team, or CERT, volunteers have basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
The Radiological Emergency Volunteer Corps (REVC) responds to radiological emergencies in support of local, regional, and statewide requests for setup and staffing of radiation screening/monitoring stations at designated reception and congregate care centers.
Through their experiences as Civil Air Patrol cadets, young people develop into responsible citizens, always ready to join with adult members in helping their neighbors when disaster strikes, on the way to becoming tomorrow's leaders.
Fire Corps® is a national grassroots effort to help fire/EMS departments enhance their services by engaging with community members to assist with non-emergency tasks. Whether they are conducting fire prevention and life safety education, installing smoke alarms, writing grants, managing a department’s social media, or a myriad of other activities, community volunteers can make a real difference. Utilizing community support helps departments increase their capacity and allows first responders to focus on operational duties, training, and emergencies.
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a national network of more than 300,000 volunteers, organized locally to improve the health and safety of their communities. MRC volunteers step up to keep their family, friends, and neighbors safe and healthy.
The National Neighborhood Watch program empowers citizens to become active in community efforts through participation in Neighborhood Watch groups.
Every year our local police are being asked to do more and more yet with budgets being cut they must do more with less. You can assist your local police, serve your community, and meet new friends by becoming a volunteer at your local police department through Volunteers in Police Service.
Many other ways to volunteer can be found through Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.